No, if he snores, there will be no peace. The kind ladies who read Slow Sleep can confirm it, cannot they? Snoring is an actual curse for those who want to rest: noise, movements, post-apnea 'bursts' and – what’s worse - the fact that snorers often fall asleep first; all this makes difficult – often impossible – for the roommate/s to sleep well. To those who never experienced sleeping beside a snorer, we provide here a good example of this 'exciting' experience: just watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD3yN8FnbOQ Though, snoring is an issue for the snorers as well, a health issue first of all. Snoring is caused by the mating of soft palate, tongue and uvula. Such mating prevents the regular passage of air during sleep and generates the typical 'sawmill' noise. Chronic snoring is an actual disease that can be diagnosed by an ENT or also by a general physician : snoring is discontinuous and often very noisy; those who are suffering from it show disorders such as headache, fatigue and difficulties to wake up. According to some estimates, approximately one adult out of three is a snorer, but only a small percentage of these subjects may be attained by severe health issues. Causes of snoring Snoring, if light, may be due to allergies, tranquillizers, excess of alcohol. Chronic snoring can be due to deviated septum, hypertrophied uvula, obesity and fat in the chin area. Anti-snoring remedies Sleeping on the side is a good remedy against slight snoring, this is why - in ancient times - the snorers were sewn a pebble on the rear side of the nightshirt: turning on one side was compulsory. In case of higher levels of sleep disorders, one can have uvulopalato-pharingoplastic, a drastic remedy that eliminates the excessive portion of soft palate. A less invasive remedy is the laser-assisted uvulopalato-plastics, which reshapes both uvula and soft palate. In case of deviated septum, surgery can correct such anomaly, as neck liposuction can be effective if the cause is excessive dewlap. Consequences of snoring Besides preventing the good rest of the partner (and – in the most severe cases – of the neighbors as well), snoring is preventing the organism from attaining the physiological wake/sleep dynamics. The psychological balance is affected because the human beings need to dream; furthermore, those who snore breath badly and breathing badly means poor oxygenation. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) This is the condition of those who are affected by interruptions in breathing that may last more than 10 seconds and repeat hundreds of times during the night: the intake of oxygen and blood pressure increases. In the most severe cases, the heart even stops, the brain is affected by hypo-oxygenation and chronic bronchitis may generate. Central apnea Unlike OSAS, in central apnea there is no mechanical obstruction to the passage of air; the causes are actually of neuro-brain origin: the organism stops breathing. For this kind of apnea, which in most cases is not severe – pharmacological remedies are available. Some recommendations If you sleep with a snorer:
- Castrogiovanni and Parisse have told us their methods, which may go as far as to throwing shoes. Without coming to this, you may whisper some words to the snorer to interrupt the 'litany'…
- Earplugs are a good remedy
- Nasal strips can be effective, you can always offer them to your partner as a gift …
- Those who can may set up a plan B, such as a spare bedroom where to rest
- A good pillow, which can provide the appropriate support to both head and neck, can be the ideal remedy for the cases of light snoring; you may think about it as a present to your partner …
- Pay attention to how you wake up: if you are never full of beans, the situation is likely to be severer than expected
- Practice physical activity regularly and set up a slimming program
- Have a light dinner
- Do not drink alcohol in the evening
- Aerate and – if required – lightly humidify the room before going to sleep
- Arrange for a specific check with your family doctor